A distant roar. The clashing of swords. The scent of sweat and dust. Tension fills the air. Spellbound, you pass through the gate to the scene of the most epic battle of this era: Knights vs. Dinosaurs!
You can expect a night filled with endless fun, elegant dances and foolish humour including dangerously good sketches – so come in droves and let’s party!

All facts at a glance:
When? 6th of May 2022, Entry: 7pm, Start of the show: 9pm
Where? Anker
Price? Presale: 5€, Evening: 7€
Presale tickets are available from all members of the Elferrat, at Culton, at Campus Service, at Anker and of course at our presales.
Information regarding Covid-19: All guests, regardless of vaccination status, will need a highly current test from an official testing center.

Further information about the event can be found on our Social-Media profiles:

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This Event is supported by Studentenwerk Leipzig.